Ivano-Frankivsk Roman Onufriya - "Municipal inspection of improvement should be self-supporting"
budget committee of city council refused KP "Municipal inspection of improvement" in the budget allocated additional February 18, 2015, a meeting of the Deputy Commission on financial planning and budget prices. Members of comaCilly, Aisne had an opportunity to consider draft resolutions proposed for consideration by Council in plenary session 52. The main issue analyzed MPs report on the implementation of the city budget for 2014. The committee members agreed to recommend to the City Council take note of the report. Present at the meeting of the committee director KP "Municipal Inspectorate wouldlahoustroyu "Stephen Kukule asked MPs to consider additional funds for the needs of the enterprise. But deputies refused this request, as noted, that inspection is the company that can meet their own personal needs and current conditions also fill the city's budget "Municipal inspection of blahoustSwarm priori to be self-supporting. The city chaos by following the rules of beautification that is the object of the enterprise. That there is only street Dniester, which is not an end started work to restore order, and you apply for funds from the budget "- appealed to the Director Company chairman of the parliamentary committee Roman Onufriya. This was reported in the firstVano-Frankivsk city councilSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/