Zhytomyr, rescuers together with volunteers battalion "Aydar" zapochatkovuvaly students practical training in battlefield medicine

to be ready for first aid and prevent possible serious consequences in terms of fighting started in Zhytomyr special courses of field Medicine and tacticsthe survival of the civilian population under occupation or fire. Courses organized by the International Foundation for « constellation Heaven ’ I « & raquo ;, Aydar who asked for help in holding to the rescue. Volunteers Battalion « Aydar » set out to prepare the population to events that may affect the sameyttya. In terms difficult time using rocket flight which reaches tens of thousands of kilometers. The situation thus obtained is that those who until recently was in the rear, can be at the forefront. That is why training people to survive in extreme situations is a priority for law enforcement agencies. For this April 15 atZhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko rescuers and volunteers aydarivtsi conducted classes for 200 students of the institution. Chief of Medical Service Management DSNS in Andrei Mitrofanov showed those present the basic rules providing first aid to the victim, and I demonstrated in practicefor bleeding to stop and fix the fracture using improvised. Also, students have expressed interest in serving in the area of ??counter-terrorism operations of life of men. Aydarivtsi, in turn, gladly shared their impressions and experiences gained in military actions. Such courses organizers plan to carry out further. Indeed, despite Mr.and disturbing present data knowledge can save lives and not one person come in handy in any moment. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/