In Zhytomyr police established a telephone swindler who lured a woman over 20 thousand

Ovruchsky Resident District gave a strange guy all the savings to save his son, who allegedly got into trouble in Russia. Law enforcement officials identified the boy and found that he was unconscious participant in the offense committed by his HC 'yaznenym relative. April 9 to Ovruchsky police department requested 66-year-old resident of a rural area. On the eve of the applicant with an unknown mobile number allegedly called her son, who lives in Russia. He complained that a man knocked down by car and is now detained by police. However, Russian law enforcement officials agreed to release him for the moneyfrom prosecution. These data confirmed another woman scared unfamiliar caller, who introduced the police. Finally, the parties agreed to it on the transfer of funds to a person who in a few hours come to her house. All this time they kept in touch a woman, not allowing call a son. In DOMOWle? time at the court of the applicant's car stopped a taxi. By strange young man approached the hostess and ensured that give money to the right place. To and believe in his honesty, the guy let her add all your contact information and the number of the car, which he got here. The woman gave the young man of 30 thousand rubles, $ 300 and 2 yousyachi Ukrainian hryvnia. Son to Russia she called the next day to make sure he got the money. To his surprise, she heard that he had no such problems and it does not phoned the mother. - Information about the event was included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations Part 1 Art.190 (fraud) of the Criminal Codeand. Available in applicant information about the recipient helped look for a young man - the head Ovruchsky District Police Vladimir Bashynskyy. Parents and he 16-year-old student of one of the schools of the district center were stunned by the news, which they told police. The guy admitted that he really came to the applicant and took her money. However,others only performed the request of his uncle, who reportedly lives in the Kiev region, and the terminal transferred all funds are dictated by his bank accounts. Law enforcement officers checked the information the boy. It was found relative phoned his nephew not from the Kiev region, and from prison, where his sentence for the crime. Although the pre-trialinvestigation. Guardians find out all the circumstances and the degree of involvement of the young man for a crime committed by his relative. At the same time, to help the applicant to regain lost money, the police take measures to track their movements on accounts and expose others involved in the fraud. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
