Happy workers CID police Uzhgorod welcomed family house
students congratulate Uzhgorod police officers on their professional holiday - Day of the Criminal Investigation came pets family house "new family". Policemen rewarded young artists - gave microwave. celebrate their professional holiday workers, the penaltyozshuku police. On the occasion of the professional holiday visit to Uzhgorod operatives pupils visited the family home "new family". Children played a concert for law enforcement. There were dances, songs and poems. In turn, the police rewarded young artists with loud applause and valuable gift - a microwave. Director of Family wakerespiration "New Family" Valentine Chervonooka on behalf of their students thanked law enforcement agencies for their continued care, attention to children and present. Acting Head Uzhgorod Gorotdel police Lt. Roman Stefanyshyn thanked the staff of the Criminal Investigation Gorotdel for service. Thanks to them, managed to improve law and order in the streetsUzhgorod and in public places. Director colleagues wished good health, inspiration and success in work for the good of our country. Information Uzhhorod MB MIASource: http://artlife.rv.ua/