Ternopil region: the Kremenechchyni thief tempted to Tui

seedlings in a private nursery on Kremenechchyni thief caught with a bag of stolen seedlings. Earn extra money by selling ornamental trees decided 32-year-old native of Kremenechchyny. However, the method chosen criminal - for the planting went to private nursery. Extract from the ground about two dozenTui in young, no more than a meter in height each, and, poskladavshy them in a bag, hurried off someone else's farm. That someone stole Tui noticed guard while traversing the area. Thief with considerable bag of saplings he overtook nearby nursery. Then the scene called the police. Private estimated losses inflictedin almost seven hundred hryvnia. Kremenetsky police found that the man is not first tempted to someone else and have been in the dock. New criminal fact he qualified for participation paragraph 2 of Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - theft committed again. Punishment of thieves choose the court. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine raids in Ternopilsti

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/