April 23 in Ternopil concert "Easter joy is heard from heaven"
23rd April at 19.00. in the hall of the Ukrainian House « victory » concert Galician Municipal Chamber Orchestra « Easter joy is heard from heaven » - A kaleidoscope of musical works that reflect the mood of the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Hrya hundred. In Ternopil waiting Violin Concerto A.Vivaldi the loop « Seasons & raquo ;, announcing the arrival of spring, Overture F.Mendelsona « Fingal Cave & raquo ;, which transmits universal anxiety in anticipation of the fateful rumor, « Elegy » V.Saparova, « Three fantasies of Lviv tabulyatury XVI century. & Raquo ;,Overture « Romeo and Juliet » Tchaikovsky, « Anthem Third Millennium » K.Shymanovskoho and folk songs « According to Sing & raquo ;, « Today the fun & raquo ;, « Christ is Risen » and various compositions have news of the nationwide joy of Christ's resurrection. Phone 52-15-00 cash. Reported byTernopil City CouncilSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/