Scammers Vimana in Volynianka 1000 UAH

hustlers woman reported that police went on the offense. Volynianka once believed virtual "son" fulfilled all his instructions, and when she learned that she cheated, appealed to the police. By the duty of the stone Kashyrsky District Police Department received informationI: unknown person, who called her son on the phone asked to list the 1000 UAH in bank card to avoid prosecution. According to this fact investigation department stone Kashyrsky police department opened criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides pokaEarly on penalty of up to three years of restriction of liberty. Guardians once again stress that received a similar call in no way transfers money. To avoid becoming a victim of rogues, immediately call the police by calling 102. Hope TOROKANETS, Stone Kashyrskyi District Police Ukraine Volyn region
