Chernigov: Workshop "Local news and coverage of local government after privatization of the printed media"

The meeting: Editors of public and private media distribution areas local representatives and experts of Public Chernihiv City Council and Governor. Date: April 16, 2015. Place. Chernigov,st. Magistrates, 7, Chernihiv City Council, boardroom executive committee. Organizers: UAPP supported by Ukrainian media project (in the media) and in collaboration with Media Group and Chernihiv Chernihiv City Council. PROGRAM 11:00 - 11:20 Registration - Welcome coffee. 11:20 - 11:30 Opening of the meeting. Representative ChernihivCity Council Alex Pogorelov, CEO, UAPP 11:30 - 11:40 Prospects for the development of the press in the modern world. Aspects of privatization Alex Pogorelov, CEO, UAPP 11:45 - 12:00 Legal aspects of privatization before and after the adoption of the reform of state and municipal media. The main obstacles to Saveezhennya media assets after privatization; Welfare benefits for employees of privatized media as not to lose; What are the risks of using power tools hidden influence on the reformed media; What is the ideal time limits for deregulation? Aleksandr Dyachenko, Head of Legal Department UAPP 12:15 - 13:00 The experience of communal self-financingpublication. Sources and subtlety. Optimization of the tax burden. Konstantin Grigorenko, editor of "Horizons Izyumschyny." 13:20 - 13:45 The three main functions of municipal press. How are they implemented? Information on the activities of local authorities and specificity of media communal and private ownership. What happens after privatizedof? Jaroslav Suhomlin. 14: 05- 14:45 The demand for information and local media. The main risks in terms of informing the public on the possible closure of some publications. Specificity of municipal newspapers and interaction with local authorities after privatization. Konstantin Grigorenko, editor of "Horizons Izyumschyny." 14:45 - 15:00 Discussionconclusions and recommendations. Holding this event was made possible by the support of the American people is provided through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Internews. Content material is the sole responsibility UAPP and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US government and the Internews.
