Fighting corruption - a priority direction of Volyn
law enforcement officers in 2014 were sent to the court 42 minutes to commit offenses and administrative corruption uncovered 172 criminal offenses with signs of corruption. Administrative reports drawn up against two civil servants 6 categories - under Article. 172-5 (violation of restrictions present) and for st.172-4 (violation of restrictions on resident); two officials of local government 4 categories - art. 172-9 (neinformuvannya bodies that measures to prevent and combat corruption) - art. 172-7 (violation of the requirements for notification of a conflict of interest); one officerLocal Government 6 categories - art. 172-4 (violation of restrictions on resident); three officials of the departments of central state authority - for centuries. 172-4 (violation of restrictions on resident); four officials supervising bodies - for centuries. 172-6 (violation of financial control); 20 deputieslocal level in st.172-6 (violation of financial control); one officer of the State Penitentiary Service - art. 172-5 (violation of restrictions present); nine heads PEC - for centuries. 172-5 (violation of restrictions present). According to the results of the trial accountable to a fine brought 35 people 19 mistsevyh deputies, one civil servant 6 categories, one local government official category 6, four employees of regulatory authorities, an employee of the State Penitentiary Service, nine heads of PEC. The total amount of fines imposed for corruption, was 13 591 USD, the amount of damages is 5404USD. By the 11th fined persons applied confiscated by the State undue advantage. As a result of measures taken in 2014 UDSBEZ units and OCD AMIA Ukraine in the Volyn region in the area of ??performance uncovered 172 criminal offenses with signs of corruption, of which 9 - abuse of office,10 - negligence, 75 - 78 and forgery of receiving improper benefits. The officials of state and local governments committed 162 offenses in t. Ch. 30 started criminal proceedings with respect officials and regulatory agencies 31 - relatively officials Volyn Regional Branch of State enterprisesprises "Center of State Land Cadastre". Employees OCD MIA performed maintenance of criminal proceedings initiated relatively organized criminal group of corrupt connections of nine persons abusing his official position, seized by state funds. The court sent 62 criminal proceedingson corruption crimes (in the energy sector, health care, the budget system, land relations and the environment) with respect to 19 people. Officials for criminal acts directed to the court proceedings suffered losses amounting to 948 thousand. 717 UAH. OCD and UDSBEZ MIA on a regular basis to implement activities, spryapro at identifying and documenting evidence of extortion and receiving undue advantage committed by officials of the government and management. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region (Based OCD)Source: