Luck: "Peanuts about dangerous things"

It was the name of the library staff, branch 2 for children spent the user library ABC security. Game sessions helped shape the maximum absorption children safe behavior at home, outdoors, in the autonomous situation. Toddlers actively analyzed mistakes that made a Red Chapeau, Allierchka, Rooster, seven kids and other fairy-tale characters. Slide - show "Caution Always!" Unaochnyv rules for using electrical appliances, go outside, cycling and more. Librarian Svetlana VOLYANYUK particularly emphasized the prevention of terrorist attacks, including on the correct behavior of children in identifying left unattended ihrashoK and other suspicious items. Fix this knowledge helped viewing animated film "Fox and Lago delle Trote to the rescue." Cognitive-didactic materials library provided the provincial educational-methodical center of civil protection and life safety Alla Simenovych and Lily Bogdanovich. Office forultury City Council This was reported in Lutsk City Council
