In Chernihiv region rescuers ensure fire safety on the night of Easter Resurrection of Christ
units of State Emergency Service of Ukraine during the day for preventive measures emergencies, rapid response to events and response, firefighting, rescue of other Matodiv made 1 thousand. 194 visits. As a result of the undertaken measures 227 buildings, 9 units of motor vehicles. During Worship Day Bright Resurrection of Christ lifeguards on duty in a stronger version of service. In every church where celebrations were held, attended by staff DSNS Ukraine, who followed Dr.obtaining basic rules of fire safety. Thanks to timely information held by Rose ’ yasnyuvalniy rescue work and clerics during worship could avoid fires in church institutions. &Ldquo; In the head office and regional management bodies of the Service, the clock operational group, coThree in the event of emergencies, fires and other events will provide an immediate attraction regular forces and coordinating their actions. I am constantly called on ’ communication with all services and get information about changes in the operational environment in relation to emergencies in Ukraine - Acting Chairman DrSNA Ukraine Zorian Shkiryak. Holiday continues to not spoil it, State Emergency Service of Ukraine advises not to forget the basic safety rules! Pleasant and safe holiday! Press office DSNS UkraineSource: