Carpathian police arrested the attacker, who was on the international wanted list

42-year-old man arrested in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, in the village. Werchowyna. He was wanted on suspicion of theft committed in Khmelnytsky oblast and car theft in Moldova. During the duty to protect public order pratsivnMAP Verkhovynsky patrol police department arrested a citizen who behaved suspiciously. When checking the documents of identity of the citizen, it became clear that people are their neighbors Chernivtsi region. And on suspicion of having committed a criminal offense provisions of Clause 3 185 Criminal Code of Ukraine expandforged police Kamenetz-Podolsk police station. Since 2011, Moldova sought by police for hijacking a vehicle. Yesterday this citizen, who was hiding from justice, police handed Carpathian colleagues, police officers Khmelnitsky region. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk
