In the Volyn region was caught stealing a chainsaw

underage boy now can hold up to six years in prison. By Kivertsi District Department of the Interior turned 44-year-old resident of the district, a statement of stealing chainsaw. The police quickly found: a tool stole 17-year-old neighbor of the victim. The night intruderthrough the attic entered the barn, which is on the applicant's yard and stole thence chainsaw, which was later sold to other people. It should be noted that the young man has not first come to the attention of law enforcement, as has been convicted of committing a similar offense. Investigators Kivertsi District Police Department in Volyn region Ukraine started Crimeainalne proceedings under Part. 3. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now the new moon faces up to six years in prison. Kivertsi District Police Ukraine Volyn region
