Within six months of house Volynianka stole odnoselchanky over 7000 UAH
zloumyshlennitsy knew where the owners leave the key to the front door. To the disappearance of money not immediately notice the part left in place. However, this "conspiracy" previously convicted for stealing the woman did not help, so it fell into the hands of law enforcement. By district inspektoDr. Kovel Gorotdel police internal affairs with the statement of stealing addressed Povorsk resident of the village. It turned out that "sway" in the victim's apartment odnoselchanka it. 25-year-old thief knew the victim, because their children attend kindergarten in one group. - Zloumyshlennitsy penetrated into the house, opening the lock key that lyingAB in hiding - said Acting Chief Kovel MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region Alexander Tsypko. - Each kradiyka has a different amount, leaving the money on the spot. Overall, half woman "gleaned" so over 7000 USD. It should be noted also that 25-year-old woman has been unserved suspended sentence ofand committing the same crime. Details of the event included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations ch. 3. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Zloumyshlennitsy faces up to six years in prison. Elina Baginskiy, Kovel MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/