How to cope with bstree prostudoy?
In opasny period for health perehodnoy Many IZ us oschuschayut obschuyu organism weakness, drowsiness, Sharp Reduction rabotosposobnosty, apatyyu and wish uedynytsya from myrskoy suet uyutnoy in bed. In sovremennom myre man all the time before a motion, vpolnyaya multitude of cases. So of heavy teryat drahotsennmynut s' because of the nadoedlyvoy prostud, and something delat same, If ??? found vrasploh? Main thing in this sluchae - not Ignore Symptoms nachalne. Even, seemed b, neznachytelny nasmork Can not only bring inconvenience and Mass vzvat a number of complications, but a zatyanutsya on dolhye Days and weeks. Otmechayut doctor, something Adherence neskolku recommendations don tnly uskoryt vzdorovlenyya process, but here and serve profylaktykoy nenavystnoy zaraz. Colds Usually vzvaet sylnuyu intoxication Total organism. In connection with tym, IN TIME disease doctors recommend the vpyvat to Trejo liter of fluid per day. Syuda otnosjat tea, juices razne naturalne, otvar and bulon. And here IOP neobhodimo abandon alcohol,As well Ono compounding GENERAL STATUS organism and zamedlyaet vzdorovlenyya process. It should be in the air uvlazhnyat Good pomeschenyy. This is beneficial to vlyyaet slyzystuyu, facilitates dyhanie and cough, povshaet immunity dhatelnh tract. Otlychnm funds javljaetsja portatyvny air humidifier. Good sex can u alternatyvoy Steam Shower baths OrAya. Nemalovazhnm factor skoreysheho vzdorovlenyya javljaetsja recreation and good sleep. Chief secret zakljuchaetsja in volume, something TIME t sleep organism vrabatvaet substance, sposobstvuyuschye Reduction inflammatory process. Famous fact something nachynaet to act zachastuyu infection in the throat, cough and edema vzvaya and vsokuyu temperature. At Firstsymptoms of disease, If you , neobhodimo in pervuju Queue stripes throat - something chashche, the more better. To do this, How impossible better podoydet slaby Solution Or soda Various otvar IZ shalfeya, chamomile and etc. In primary disease can be stadii Also rassasvat lemon slices - is of help yzbavytsya from microorganisms, something vzvayutInflammation. What kasaetsya antibiotics, then here are sleduet abandon and prynymat Only in extreme sluchae (Or at anhyne lung inflammation). Sam pryem antibiotics in cold bespolezen so As to Most cases vzvaetsya ymenno cold viruses. And Finally, Nothing Can not cope with illness so, How sobstvenny immunity. YstochnIK: