Large-scale criminal schemes enrichment former taxman and his co-operatives destroyed Ternopil UBOZ

half years operatives regional management to combat organized crime activity documented criminal gang that operated in three areas. In early April in Poltava and Ternopil held guCSSR detention and twelve simultaneously searches. All members of a criminal group with signs of corrupt organization and interregional connections detained. Organizer of the pack - a former tax police, along with eight accomplices involved in committing criminal offenses related to illegal imprisonment and Useradennyam People fraud in a large scale, extortion, theft, drug trafficking and other illegal acts. When documenting criminal activities of the group to the attention of investigators UBOZ except organizer, former taxman caught current tax police, two employees of thecases. Their accomplices were two and three residents of Poltava Ternopil. Among them two previous convictions. As the head of the fight against organized crime Dzhydzhora Basil, organizer of the case involving one of Poltava and Ternopil, looked for among residents Ternopil, Poltava and Kyiv persons with abusedpyrtnymy drinks, but the owners of real estate. Entering the confidence to potential victims using their helpless state and insecurity, as well as promising a better life, taken last in Poltava region. There's villages Globino Hradyzhsk and settled them already bought cheap houses. Thus victims intentionally inclined to use alkoholnyh and drugs, and using their condition laid notarized civil legal agreements related to the disposal of real estate that were in their property. After this property implemented through third parties on the secondary market. For fellow taxman, two police detectives and two previous convictions thatrnopolyan organizer of the group came up with another scheme enrichment - soliciting funds from foreign university students. To trust in foreigners vtyralysya previously convicted young men visited their home, where the intentionally planted drugs. After that law enforcement officers came in uniforms and presenting St.first official certificate illegally conducted reviews, where found thrown drugs. By no criminal prosecution offered to students to pay off. The victims, not knowing what to do in such a situation and fear of being expelled from schools agreed to the terms extortionists. According to Basil Dzhydzhory under PartAl searched Apartment defendants in the case were seized two pistols and ammunition for them, with a Kalashnikov rifle ammunition, shotgun, rocket launcher, drugs, technical documents for houses and apartments, sales contracts for real estate, death certificates, notebooks with records of victims , thirty bank cards, twentymobile phones and almost fifty sim cards mobile operators, laptops, tablets, 150 thousand, more than two thousand dollars, two cars "Mitsubishi", a set of military license plates on the car, the shape of the tax police and even pass the zone ATO. During the operational activities of employees UBOZ foundand documented criminal offense under Part. 3. 185 (theft, coupled with the penetration in the home, or substantial damage to the victim), Part 2 Art. 189 (extortion committed by prior conspiracy) Part 2 of Art. 190 (fraud committed by prior conspiracy, or where it caused significant damage to the victim), Part 1 Art. 263 (possession, storage of firearms, ammunitions without statutory authority) and ch. 2, Art. 307 (illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, possession, illegal sale of narcotics, psychotropic substances or their analogues group of persons) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Six gang members taken into custody. Another - at homearrest. For the rest of the election of a preventive measure will be resolved soon. The department fighting organized crime conducts complex operational search and investigative measures for operational support of the criminal proceedings initiated relatively participants criminal group and document other facts about themtypravnoyi activities. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil region
