An application to the court or the prosecutor may be submitted by e-mail

13 February 2015. Holosiivskyi District Court of Kyiv ruled in favor of the NGO "Electronic Democracy" and ordered the prosecution for criminal implementation based email application. The reason was the appeal to the Court of inactivity prosecutors,which has not adopted a statement from the head of Vladimir Flontsa electronically. The application concerned the violation of rules the day of silence and campaigning on election day October 26, 2014. Main attention is given form in which it is made right - there is no single paper document, and no appeal to the prosecutor, and no statement to the court. Still onProsecutor's Office took only a paper appeal and ignore such email application on internal order expressly prohibits record documents sent by fax or email. Therefore, to overcome these obstacles had to apply to a court. In the complaint requested to acknowledge the following inactive prosecutionistyu and commit to accept and properly register the application electronically. "Filing electronically overcomes many artificial bureaucratic obstacles. No need to go anywhere, pick a time to stand in line, you need to look for a window - instead of at home, in your own time, you can easily prepare documents and overislaty without leaving the apartment, "- said the head of the NGO" Electronic Democracy "Vladimir Flonts. "To create such an application has been used official software and keys for applying digital signature, which is available for free in the next fiscal, the entire procedure takes less than ten minutes," - he says. Barto mark level of the court which has taken the complaint sent by e-mail, and considered it scheduled a hearing. The point of this question put court order that ordered one of the most conservative state agencies to adopt a statement electronically initiate criminal and implementation. "This precedent shows that paycamping in electronic form as a prosecutor and in any public authority, any official - there everyday, and most importantly simple and real. You or your personal representative that has a digital signature, can create significant legal document that needs no paper, no standing in line. It allows you to travel back in any placeand appeal to a court or other public authority or institution to get what you want "- said Anatoly Tarasenko, a lawyer representing the case in court. Source:
