Luck "movement - a LIFE"

As previously reported every year on the occasion of World Health Day to promote healthy lifestyles and involvement of students in physical training and sports, bad habits prevention among children and young urban center physical health 'I "Sport for All" held sports and recreation and sporestively, events under the banner of "Movement for Health." Health - a real wealth, the existence of which we are sometimes ignored. Healthy people rarely think mostly about how to properly and reasonably arrange your life and livelihoods to their health remained robust and reliable in the long term. Our own health is very easylose. Therefore, this event aims to attract wide public attention to these problems and issues. As part of this year's campaign from 1 to 10 April 2015 in our city urban center were organized and conducted an array of projects. For April 2 competition "Funny little Cossacks" that held together with a comprehensive educational institution number 17 Categoriesand their base, launched a series of sports events among residents of our city. Winners of this competition, teams of clubs "Arrow", "Olympia", "Luchesk" April 5, as a reward, had the opportunity to see the football match between "Volyn" (m. Lutsk) and "Dawn" (c. Lugansk) . Young athletes are grateful to the Directorate of FC "Volyn"for providing free tickets to the game. April 7 pupils clubs domiciliary city center physical health "Sport for All" actively participated in the mass-wide ruhantsi II during the festival "Harmony Movement" in the shopping and entertainment center "PORT CITI on multifunctional arena Generator. YesOJ during the holiday demonstration program in rhythmic gymnastics and karate kyokushin, dance, judo young athletes representing urban clubs in the community "Arrow", "athlete", "White Ball" in which they are engaged. Throughout the campaign "Movement for Health 'clubs in the community children were constantly involved in tournaments with indoor soccerin, table tennis, events "Merry starts" with darts, a friendly volleyball, checkers, chess, mobile games outdoors, quizzes, questions and answers and drawing contest on the theme "Movement for Health." In total, city events involving over 800 children and adolescents in our city. This work does not end. PrevEdu event within Ukrainian Month "Sport for All - a common concern" to streamline playgrounds in neighborhoods of the city and prepare for the upcoming sports events. City center physical health "Sport for All" (720 335) This was reported in Lutsk City Council
