Ternopil region: on the road in the village. Horynka burning truck

04.08.2015, at 17 hours. 20 min. called ’ DPRCH communication of 5 m. Kremenets received information about a fire that occurred on a segment of road Kremenets, Ternopil, in the village. Horynka. Burning truck « VOLVO-SH12 » loaded with toilet paper and napkinsetkamy. Firefighting attracted six personnel and special equipment two cars: another unit of the State Fire m.Kremenets and fire-guard of local farmers. Probably the fire broke out due to a technical malfunction of the car. Conducted the rescue chief Kremenetskogo DistrictOn the Department of DSNS Ukraine in George Halkevych, noting that eliminate these fires is difficult because compressed paper and smoldering flame ’ I penetrate deep inside. Because firefighters had to empty the entire contents of the truck and shed water. The total weight of the paper reached 6.5 tons - 31 square meters area fire Refuelingcars carried water from the reservoir that at a distance of 1 km. from the fire. Generally used to extinguish more than 22 thousand liters of water. Completely eliminate the fire in 19 hours. 26 min.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/