In exactly described as war veterans and victims of Nazi persecution receive a one-time financial assistance to celebrate the Victory Day
Information on payment of one-time cash assistance to celebrate the Victory Day veterans and victims of Nazi persecution Every year on the occasion of Victory Day veterans offeringof the Nazi regime paid a one-time financial assistance provided for in Articles 12-16 of the Law of Ukraine "On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection" and Articles 6-1 - 6-4 Law of Ukraine "About the victims of Nazi persecution," This year, the payment of money assistance will be made to veterans residing in. Reavnomu in the following sizes that are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 31.03.2015 147 "Some issues of payment in 2015 of one-time financial aid, the Law of Ukraine" On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection "and" About the victims of Nazi persecution " ": 1) disabled veterans and former minor (which Mr.and prison time under 14.) prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention, recognized as disabled from general illness, industrial injury and other reasons: disabled group I - 2835 UAH; disabled group II - 2475 UAH; disabled group III - 2200 UAH; 2) combatants and formernamed minor (which at the time of imprisonment under 18) prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention, as well as children born in these places of detention of their parents - 875 UAH; 3) members of the victims' families and wives (husbands) of deceased disabled veterans, wives (husbands) who died intheers fighting, war veterans and victims of Nazi persecution recognized during his lifetime disabilities from general illness, employment injury and other reasons that are not married again - 440 UAH; 4) war veterans and former prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention, persons were forcibly removed onforced labor, children partisans, underground, other participants in the fight against Nazi regime behind enemy lines - 160 UAH. The payment of one-time cash assistance to citizens among pensioners will be conducted Department of Labour and Social Welfare through the post office or the banks to personal accounts of citizenslocation of a pension, and persons who are not pensioners - the place of residence. This was reported in the Rivne City CouncilSource: