In the Lviv region workshop on Easter eggs for children ATU
participants Large-scale project for children in Lviv region whose parents are members of ATO still pending. The event is called "My father protects Ukraine." April 8, children are Lviv State University of Internal Affairs took part in the Easter workshop. Fundamentals Easter eggarstva shared teacher spetspredmetiv Lyceum consumer services Natalia Rybak. Learn the art of painting eggs chief expressed the wish children of faculty training for human resources and departments of public security police Stephen Hnatiuk Salome and Ostap and daughter senior inspector BOC Navy Vladimir TsoroAnna ha. Before you get started, the master said that such creative things besides eggs need beeswax, special pysachok candle and paint. Easter egg ornament in the future should be put first in pencil and then you can paint pysachok with melted wax. Natalie Fisher also spoke about the importance of color and charactersDepicting on the egg. For example, green means spring awakening of nature, hope for a good harvest; blue - sky, air, and health; yellow - warm hope of heaven, fruit farm and so on. young pysankari know the secrets of this ancient symbol creation of Easter, and assured that decorate your Easter Co.Chic own colorful Easter eggs. Department of Public LvDUVSSource: