Trusting Volynianka "cleaned" girlfriend ...

Woman stole from her house money and jewelry. For the perfect thief can hold up to three years in prison. By Kivertsi District Police Station on 37-year-old resident of the district received a statement about the theft. A woman reported that her house disappeared $ 200, 10 Euro, 800 biloruing rubles and three gold rings. Law enforcement officials conducted a series of search operations and found that the theft committed 24-year-old victim odnoselchanka. Women friends. On that day the victim invited her friend to visit, to talk over a glass. When the hostess distracted, zloumyshlennitsy "cleaned" hospitable kolezhanku. Investigative Department Kivertsivskoho District Police Ukraine in the Volyn region initiated criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now zlodiytsi threatens punishment - up to three years in prison. Julia LOKOTKO, Kivertsi District Police Ukraine Volyn region
