Chernigov: More than 153 thousand books sold in 2014. "House Book"

On the outcome of the public utility "Book House" Chernihiv City Council in 2014 said at the expanded meeting its director Vyacheslav Byelohura. He said that the utility "Book House" was established in 1992. The company, whose staffemploys 24 people, provides retail book and other printed products, office supplies, products for children's creativity, games and toys, souvenirs, wholesale and educational literature. Trade in specialized stores "House of Books" at Mira, 45. Trade Organization in store EPAysnyuyetsya on a free access to buyers of books. The product range is about 20 thousand. Items. According to the head, the number of customers per day ranges from 200 to 400. Shop conventionally divided into two trading halls, hall number 1 (fiction and children's literature) and room number 2 (Universal Books and Stationery Ltd.macaw). In room number 1 shows the literature in the following areas: * Children's Fiction and gift books; * Children's encyclopedias; * Children's books for the youngest; * Developing children's literature; * Domestic and foreign classical literature; * Modern domestic and foreign prose; * Historical novels; * Detective, thriller, trylep, fiction, etc. * And various kits for children's art and souvenirs. In room number 2 represents literature in the following areas: * Scientific literature; * Technical literature; * Life, pets, hunting and fishing; * Sports, hiking, painting; * Medicine, veterinary science; * Of reference books and literature for higherschool; * General and pre-school education, textbooks for secondary schools, methodical literature; * Dictionaries, methodical literature in foreign languages; * Maps, atlases, local history, etc., and office supplies. B. Byelohura noted that last year was quite difficult for enterprises in the book trade, which could not affect the workCE "Book House". However, the measures allowed to keep positive trend that was achieved in the second half of 2013. In particular, among the main problems head called the national trend of declining demand book production, especially in the adult reader through the development of e-books, the constant increase of network usersInternet and the number of online stores. There have been lost books of suppliers working in Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The instability of foreign exchange apart from the increase in purchase commodity prices also led to the destruction of previously-established agreements in matters on payments forattitudes product because many of the suppliers wish to receive funds immediately. Significantly reduced supply of books published in Russia, and so on. "These challenges forced us to change approaches to work, look for new ways to develop. The actions taken have to keep stable operation of our company ", - V. Byelohura. As a result - net profitableok enterprises on the basis of 2014 amounted to 304 thousand. USD. So, in 2014, signed the contracts with new suppliers and expanded range of products in store, as a result of significantly increased revenue from sales (sales revenue: 2013. - With mln.190 thous., 2014. - 4 mln.218 thous.). The analysis showed that the groovecentury due primarily not because of price increases and by increasing the number of units of goods sold, despite the fact that the implementation directly book production in 2014 compared to 2013 has decreased. Total in 2013 sold 175.4 thousand. Units sold, and in 2014 - 214.8 thousand. Units, while the books sold in 2013 rothese 172 thousand., in 2014 - 153,2 thousand. The increase in realization contributed, among other things, and collaboration with utility companies and departments and divisions Chernihiv City Council in the supply of stationery. The head said that last year was done redecorating the trading floor number 2, replace old furniture, makeLeno open storefront. For the convenience of visitors bookcases equipped navigation. "We made plastic bags with the logo of the store, which are both our product and advertising function. Arranged showcase of souvenirs Chernigov masters "- says Director achievements. He emphasized that the comunalne company "House Book" actively participates in events held in the city. So in 2014 CE "Book House" was presented to the participants of the festive trading April 5 at the opening of the tourist season and April 12 during the Easter Fair, attended the event to celebrate Europe Day and the Day of Protectionin children, and in the holiday trade August 24 in the Central Park of Culture and Rest during the citywide festival and fair view of competition flowers and fruits "Happiness beauty." For the first time the company has performed a visiting trade during the "school markets." In addition, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Shevchenko wasan exhibition and sale of works of the great poet and other printed matter relating to Taras Shevchenko. The range was introduced more than 50 different publications on Shevchenko. According to Mr. Byelohury, these measures positively affect both the increase in the number of customers, and the image of the company as a whole. Director sturbovanyy that the scope of the book trade is experiencing a period of stagnation in the background of the national economic crisis. However, the utility "House Book" is now working steadily, constantly concerned about improving their work, looking for new ways to provide enterprise development, improving visitor servicesstore. In the current year the team KP "House Book" poses a number of challenges, particularly to expand the range of products in the store, increasing wholesale, including stationery and educational literature. In addition, we plan to continue the installation of specialized display cases for guests, which will be presentedproducts to meet the needs of tourists. In the future leader hopes to implement electronic shop in search of available books. The implementation of this idea will make the step to create your own website and imposing trade over the Internet. "I want to emphasize that the utility" Book House "will vdoskonalyuvati their work. We have some new ideas, implementation of which will provide us with further development. The financial position of the company is stable, no arrears, pension funds and payroll. Got good results in the first quarter of the year and are ready to continue working to ensure a stable and goalovne - revenue of our company, "- said the head at the end of the report. Information from KP "House of Books"
