Ternopil: Stephen thanked builders Bar area, which are added to the construction of defense facilities in the east

to provide construction engineering facilities in order to strengthen the state's defenses in the east in the Ternopil region formed teams at three construction companies. Also appointed coordinators that oftell teams to ensure equipment, household items and food. Arrangements for the implementation of the construction discussed April 7 during a working meeting by the Chairman of the Ternopil Regional State Administration Stephen Barney. Participation in the meeting was the first Deputy Governor John Krysak, Director of Architecture, Construction, Housing and Utilities and Energy Saving RSA Volodymyr Kharchenko, representatives of construction companies, relevant institutions and companies in the region. Stephen Bar thanked the builders, which are added to the organizational process, especially those that directly participate in the construction of facilities. Politicalis funding this work provides funds will be reimbursed, he said. "The task of constructing facilities of defense in the East is a priority in the construction industry. This process includes elements of the so-called People's structure - added Stepan Barna. - Therefore, those builders who are not directly involved in the work process in place withopportunity to get involved and help in terms of technical support teams. To address this question, we need to combine efforts not only construction companies, but for all citizens of the region. " According to Ivan Krysaka, work must be done quickly, because the task is performed quickly. "Lists of necessary food, preDMetI life, labor saving tools and equipment already folded. We will personally contact the companies and organizations and recommend them to contribute to the common cause to strengthen the country's defense, "- said John Krysak. During construction, pay particular attention to medical support builders and safety measures. Endyou have to work until the end of May. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/