In the Rivne region guardian-aunt spent money intended for children
Such a violation of the property rights of children took place in Dubno area. According to the established facts prosecutors began preliminary investigation in the criminal proceedings on suspicion of 35-year-old resident of the area of ??a crime under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuseguardian rights). - Becoming a legal guardian, she received a monthly state aid for the maintenance of his three young nephews. During the six months to the account of children received public funds worth over 90 thousand. However, more than half of this amount (ie - 50 thousand USD), a woman not used to kids and to their own needsand, in particular, has paid her debt taken a bank loan - said Dubno interdistrict Attorney Lawyer Grade 1 Alex Burma. In addition opinkunsha children not resident, last longer cared other relatives. - At present the preliminary investigation in the criminal proceedings ended. The indictment against the person prokuraturoyu approved and directed for consideration in Dubno City Court - said the prosecutor. Due to the fact that the guardianship authority terminated custody of the children, the prosecutor shall take steps to funds were returned to their personal accounts. Press service of the regional prosecutor's officeSource: