Khmelnytsky: the credibility kam'yanchan crooks "earned" 41 thousand UAH

During the past week, two residents of Kamenetz-Podolsk got the "hook" to psevdomilitsioneriv that promised to liberate families from criminal liability for compensation. In the first case known to the woman called, introduced by the investigator andvidomyv that her son committed a serious crime and will hold the next ten years in prison. The issue can be solved by a considerable fee, and money to list fast for 30 minutes. Agitated mother never for a moment turned the phone and perform the instructions rogue listing to the specified account of his 21 thousand UAH. Then zatelefonObal son. As it turned out, he was always at work and even had no idea about their "problems." Another victim saved his son from prosecution for selling drugs. Psevdomilitsioner man reported that his son for an hour "closed", but it is possible to resolve the problem. You need to transfer to a specified account 20 tysyaPart UAH. The father of all these, and after 15 minutes he learned that his son is all right, and all the time he was home. - Deceived citizens turned to us with statements - said Acting Head Kamenetz-Podolsk Gorotdel police Vladimir Kalashnik. - The facts of fraudulent conduct a criminal proceeding. Often under pressureScam citizens do these steps, which are calculated scam. Once again I emphasize that the person you want to call home and the police. Only two phone calls - and there will be no chance of crooks rich at your expense. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
