Warning - suspicious and explosive devices. Tips Transcarpathian rescue

Recently Transcarpathia frequent reports of bomb threats and identify suspicious objects of different nature. This year, the challenges to the investigation and search operations were recorded for 14, but for the whole 2014 - 18., fortunately they were wrong. Suspicious objects or explosive devices can be found anywhere: on transport, stairwells houses, apartments near the door, institutions and public places. They are often cloaked in pens, cell phones, wallets, mini recorders, toys. We need city ’ in mind that almost all explosives toxic sensitive to mechanical andsound effects, heating. Handling them requires maximum attention and care! Neutralize explosive device or explosion can only localize prepared pyrotechnics or other professionals after removing people from the danger zone and billing environment. Management DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region once again remindsrules of conduct in identifying suspicious and explosive devices. Pam ’ Yatai! From your right action depends the life and health ’ I have others. In the event of an explosive device is prohibited, approach to the subject; move it or take over; throwing or hitting on him; kindle fire together or throw in Hbth object; bring the subject home to institution. If you find an explosive device need of a safe place to report regular service DSNS (tel.101), police (tel.102). Do not approach the subject, and do not touch or move it, and do not allow him to others. Stop all work near explosive detectionsubject. Do not use a tool rad ’ communication, mobile phones (they can trigger an explosion). We must wait for the arrival of specialists indicate site and report the findings of its detection. And then it is up to professionals. In DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/