In Zhytomyr arrested Helmsman stolen " Lexus " with amber in the trunk

Last weekend, the traffic police to permanent posts Novograd Volyn region stopped the car "Lexus", who was wanted as stolen. The driver was carrying in the trunk of more than 30 kg of raw amber. In this incident started criminal proceedingstion. On approaching the stationary post "Zvyagel" on the highway Kyiv - Chop car that is wanted, road patrol officers informed automated system "Frontier". Pilot stopped and told that this stolen by car in the city. Kirovohrad and wanted by police. The driver, 37-year resident of the city. Kyiv, he exchange guaranteeMeow his "Mercedes" this "Lexus" in the capital. But now heading in Lviv personal affairs. Arrived on the scene investigative team Novograd Volyn Gorotdel police. Law enforcement officers inspected the car and found in his trunk several packages with stones outside like raw amber. Helmsman confirmed that it is indeed amber,it also acquired in Kiev. - "Lexus" and amber stones total weight over 30 kg were seized, - said Head of Traffic Police Vladimir Zhytomyr mushroom. - Initiation of criminal proceedings. As part of the preliminary investigation, police seized ascertain the origin of "sun stone" and the circumstances of the emergence of a detainee Helmsman countrydenoho car. By law, violations of or use of mineral resources (Part 1 st.240 Criminal Code of Ukraine) is punishable by a fine of 300 to 600 tax-free minimum incomes, or restraint of imprisonment for a term of 2 years. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
