Lutsk wave of good changes and positive emotions started!

On Palm Sunday, April 5, there was a flash mob family with strollers. The main idea of ??which is to draw public attention to a large-scale festival of joy and good FamiluFestPicnic, scheduled for mid-June. The festival aims to establish a new socialdraft update playgrounds city. Organizers social initiative Lutsk city center of social services for families, children and young people in partnership with the Club of active moms "Comme il faut". Flash mob in Central Park. Ukrainian Lesia held for the second time. Despite the thick gray clouds just in time flashmob smiling sun and all obihrivalo etc.ysutnih in joyful act. Helped get warm and hot tea and dance moves, and meet new people. Family flashmob lasted over an hour. Among those present were drawn 10 tickets for the upcoming festival, which cost about will reach 100 USD. At the end of the holiday to get the sweet word "love" Mamus with a microphone, which fulfill the roleVav chocolate bar, run by kids under the guise of journalists steep channel BBC.I they still managed to interview the most stable, which is hoped to continue the celebration and snack biscuits. Kids are happy to answer the questions, it was interesting to imagine yourself Stars TV. The brave fashionista Ulyanka with glitter in his eyes showed his feelingsmother's arms. Seven-year humorist Elijah, who did not hesitate to show constantly toothless smile, something very ashamed kiss svoyumamu-Irynka. But the deed is done: my mother's legs powerfully zhvacheno, feeling passed through the legs. Boy Sasha touched his drone confident and loud words "absolutely love!". From sneakers was only a piece of paper, Which means that the interview is completed. So we are waiting for new flash mob, gift tickets, fun dance songs and a good mood. Meanwhile'd like to thank the activists good: driving Slavko Mazurka for the warm atmosferui good mood, sound Novel by positive selection and light music, photos and Oleg Chernenko Wallodymyru brewer for good bright images and Nightingale by Alexander beautiful harmonious videos. These people deserve respect. Lutsk City Center of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth This was reported in Lutsk City Council
