Chernihiv prepares for 29th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident in the
Chernihiv city council session of the organizing committee on preparation and carrying out activities to 29 th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which was held Deputy Mayor - manager of the executive committee Stanislav Vikhrov. Addressing the ZakhoDu, S. Vikhrov said: "April 26 is a day of remembrance of the largest man-made disasters in history, which occurred in 1986. We must honor the heroism worthy of all firefighters, soldiers, physicians, employees Chernobyl, builders and researchers who value their lives and health eliminated the worst consequences of this disaster. Weighness and courage of these people have ever remain in the memory of the Ukrainian people. " Head of Culture City Council Yuri Tkach presented a tentative plan of action which will be held in Chernigov in April. He said April 24 at the memorial "Heroes of Chernobyl" region and city leaders, members of the public attendedin requiem, lay flowers and honor the memory of liquidators minute of silence. As part of the consecration of icons will "Chernobyl Savior" and the religious procession. Members of the organizing committee discussed the project presented and made suggestions. A revised action plan will be published on the official web site of the city council. SectionCommunications City CouncilSource: