In Ternopil rescuers had cleaned the room

April 5 at 21:06 in the village Dobrivlyany Zalischyky area in the kitchen space dwelling house because of rough handling was broken household thermometer. At the scene for another guard involved demercurization 15th state of the Fire and Rescue Department.Management DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region reminds the public how to act in case of mercury spill. If the room is broken mercury thermometer: * Output from the premises of all people, especially children, the disabled and the elderly; * Open the nastizh all the windows in the room; * Maximum insulate people from contaminated premises tightly withachynit all doors; * Protect respiratory least damp gauze; * Immediately begin collecting mercury: gather large syringe balls and just dumps them in a glass jar with a solution (2 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water), smaller balls collect brush on paper and also dispose the bank. Bank Close the lid. Uselast one vacuum cleaner for cleaning mercury is prohibited. * Wash contaminated sites soap-soda solution (400 g of soap and 500 grams of soda ash per 10 liters of water) or potassium permanganate (20 g per 10 liters of water); * Close the premises after treatment so that there was no connection to other rooms and ventilate for three daysIB; * Hold indoors, if possible, the temperature not lower 18-200S to reduce the processing time for carrying out all work; * Clean and rinse the strong, almost black solution of potassium permanganate shoe soles, if you stepped on mercury. If mercury spilled over in the thermometer * Stay calm, avoid panic; * Output from prymischennya all people, help children, the disabled and the elderly - are to be evacuated first; * Protect respiratory least damp gauze; * Open all windows nastizh; * Insulate the most polluted room, tightly close all doors; * Quickly assemble documents, valuables, medicines, foods, etc.and necessary things; * Turn off electricity and gas Extinguish fire in stoves before leaving the house; * Immediately call the experts through a local public body for emergencies and civil protection. In extreme cases – call the police. If you found or saw balls of mercury in any other location, db Please immediately tell the local Emergency Situations and Civil Protection or the police. The less harmful substances, and are used around better and stronger health. An alternative to mercury thermometers is their electronic counterparts. Due to their lack of glass and mercury, are completely withoutically safe for humans. A measurement speed and memory availability distinguishes them from the old traditional thermometer. Rescuers recommend citizens gradually abandon the use appliances that contain mercury, replacing them with other, more secure electronic counterparts.
