Ternopil obderzhadministratsiya signed a cooperation agreement with the "Foundation for" Change a life - Ukraine »
quadrilateral cooperation agreement signed February 17 Chairman of the charitable organization" Foundation "Change a life - Ukraine" Leonid Lebedev, head of Juvenile Ternopil Regional State Administration Stephen Herasymiv, DirectorDepartment of Health Ternopil Regional State Administration Volodymyr chickens and Director of Education Ternopil RSA Lubomir Krupa. According to Ivan Babiychuk, the contract provides for mutual cooperation in promoting family placement of as many children who have no parental care and custody of the family, thus creatingconditions for their physical, spiritual, intellectual and cultural development. In turn, Leonid Lebedev expressed hope that cooperation with Ternopil Oblast Administration will be fruitful and help children find cosiness. "In the region there is a tendency to reduce the number of orphans and children deprived of parental careAt the same time, a decrease over the last three years by 38 people among these children, the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care were placed in family care "- said Stephen Herasymiv. Therefore, he said, signing the agreement will help create the region integrated system prostu children's rights, in particular the creation of conditions for the rights of every child in foster families, growth in a safe family environment, health, education, social protection and harmonious development, improving the efficiency of state agencies and local governments to prevent social abandonment. Note: AsJanuary 01, 2015 1190 orphans and children deprived of parental care (274 and 916 respectively) who live in the region, 1043 of them (87.6% at national indicator 85%) brought up in family care. Since 2006, every year a growing number of orphans and children deprived of parental care, mustacheynovlenyh citizens of Ukraine in the region, and since 2005 - reduced the number of children adopted by foreigners. During 2014 the citizens of Ukraine adopted 10 children by foreigners - 3 children. Since 2015 the citizens of Ukraine adopted 2 children, foreign children are not usynovlyuvalysya. However, the positive trendon the growth of national adoption remain consistently high number of children subject to adoption (305); -38 Couples potential adopters are set to adopt a young child, and numerically superior group of children awaiting adoption (85%) - of children 8 years and older. Has established systematic monitoring of the dotrymannyam rights and interests of 243 adopted children at their place of residence, compiled and executed graphics visiting families where they are educated, formed reports on living conditions and education of adoption. As of January 1, 2015 776 orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up in family caregivers and pikluvalnykiv (including 33 children with special needs). Each year, an increasing number of foster families and family-type homes. As of January 10, 2015 277 orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up in 134 foster families (207 children, including 5 children with special needs) and 10 children's family homes(70 children). This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/