In Vinnitsa region foresters professionals shared their experience with young colleagues (+ photos)

As part of Vinnichchine action "The future of the forest - in your hands" days in Regional Forestry and Hunting vocational meeting was director of the Institute of Forestry and Landscape -parkovoho Economy, Rural Doctorkohospodarskyh, Professor, Academician Forest Academy of Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Honored Scientist of Ukraine Peter Lakydy graduates of secondary schools and 26 student representatives forestry Vinnitsa region. The meeting was opened by Chief Regional Forestry and Hunting of the Lordrstva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored forester of Ukraine Anatoly Bondar. He stressed that the obligation Foresters - grow forests of the future and educate the younger generation of patriots and future citizens of Ukraine. In this noble cause foresters Vinnichiny actively cooperate with teachers area parents who tacoswere also present at the meeting. Anatoly Bondar presented the Regional Forestry and Hunting told about the 96-year history management, spoke about the success of the forestry eco-educational centers, student forestry, presented the profession forester. Peter Lakyda said in his speech that the life of pidtverdzhuye need for such meetings, the correctness of the chosen path foresters in matters of education Patriots Ukraine, which has grown and keep our state forests. And some of the participants have already decided on their life choice he will forester! So really all have a great need to obtain complete information on forestry educational institutionand of the noble profession forester. He thoroughly familiarized participants with interesting information about Educational and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture and the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Graduates of secondary schools in the area, young foresters set Anatoly Bondar, Peter Lakydi lotquestions that have received satisfactory answers. Will remain in memory for a tour in the museum forest photographed in Forest ecology - educational center, communication with peers from across the region. Children thanked the directors of state enterprises forest area for organizing trips, hot food, attention and care. Participants metichi stressed that foresters and educators Vinnichiny do great work together for the education of the citizens of Ukraine of high culture of behavior, attitude towards the forest, nature. This is truly the realization of the European experience in the field of environmental outreach. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
