Due to the decline in infant mortality, Vinnichchina approached to that of European countries (+ photos)

This was stressed by the Director of the Department of Health and the State Administration Tatiana resorts Womanizer during a weekly meeting with the Head. The results of restructuring industry showcasepositive changes in demographics. Thus, in 2014, recorded in the daily dynamics of fertility rates (at 10.6% o) and total mortality (within 15.7% o). "Due to the decline in infant mortality of 10.14% o (2011) to 6.5% o - in 2014. Vinnytsia region approached to that of European countries. Over 2014 year registered a drop in mortality working-age population: 427.5 versus 431.6 per 100 thousand. Population "- said Tatiana Womanizer. The official stressed that the key strategic goal of reform is approaching health care to the patient. In Vinnitsa region created a powerful network of primary level of care. "Protyahom 3 years -x opened 134 ambulance family type are among PHC centers. Only during 2014 opened 21 new outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine. Now the network of primary level of care provided 33 centers, consisting of 319 outpatient clinics and 881 FAP and AF. In general, for 2011-2014 gg. To improve the material and technical base of the health sector used 265.9 million "- said Tatiana Womanizer. During the period of reform fleet healthcare field replenished 244 cars for a total of 63 million. USD. At the secondary level created 3 multi-hospital intensive care; 5 Number of hospitalstreatment planning; 8th diagnostic and consulting centers, which became part 3 hospital districts created based on 8 regions. As part of the World Bank in July 2014 established municipal company "Vinnytsia Regional Clinical - Diagnostic Center of cardiovascular disease." For the realization of thisproject area to be attracted 32.4 million. dollars. In the State budget for 2015 approved the first tranche of subsidies for this purpose in the amount of 6.1 million. Fully aligned structure obstetric-gynecological services. A modern 3 perinatal centers II level. By optimizing the structure of expenditures for hospital beds 1 lizhto-day on the secondary housing and tretyntsi enlarged for medicines - by 65.9%, food - by 41.2%. "During the period 2012 - 2014 budget of the region increased by 10% compared with the year 2012 and is 1,7mlrd. game. The restructuring of the health care system has reduced the deficit funds to pay with 36.0 million. USD. in 2012 to6.0 mil. game. in 2014, that is six times "- said Tatiana Womanizer. However, according to the director of the Department of Health and Resorts Administration, despite a number of positive developments, and outlined some problems. So, today, in connection with the adoption of a new financial mechanism in Health modpovidno the Law of Ukraine "On State Budget for 2015" the costs of medical care provided to carry out the secondary level to the regional level on the basis of financial regulation per capita. "It should be noted that the return of health facilities that provide primary and secondary health care in communities of propertyAuger result in significant time and financial costs. Relapse old financing system may stop cooperation with the World Bank on a loan for the implementation of subproject care to patients with cardiovascular disorders, the recommendations of which only one level of regional authorities should be responsible for managing all medicaland services. Given this, it is important to leave in 2015 funding of medical facilities providing secondary health care in the pilot Vinnytsia region at the regional level through intergovernmental transfer medical subsidy for 2015 from the district (municipal budget) regional proposals under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "- said Tatiana Babii . By districtechi, now health Vinnitsa region is 33 065 health workers, including almost 6.0 thousand. doctors and 14 thousand nursing. According to the director of the Department of Health and Resorts Administration, Institute of Family Medicine stimulated production of motivational state policy for familydoctors did not have before. "First of all it's introduction in all areas of the region" local incentive programs. " Due to the impact of these programs 21 family health workers received housing, land plots allocated 3. In Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov in the programs' local incentives "at the expense of local budgetszhetiv trained 64 students - future family physicians. Funding these programs with district budgets increased from 3.0 mln. to 8.0 million. last year "- said Tatiana Womanizer. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/