In Ternopil RSA structural subdivisions submitted proposals for the fight against corruption
HR Division, Department of Public Communications, Department of Health, Department of Education and Science of Ternopil Oblast State Administration, General Management Derzhzemahenstva in Ternopil region have submitted their proposals toProject Regional Programs Preventing and Combating Corruption in 2015-2016 years. This informed the Chief of the Prevention and detection of corruption, cooperation with law enforcement and defense work of regional state administration Boris during a long meeting of the working group is working on a draft Regional Prevention Program, etc.otydiyi corruption. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Regional Governor Leonid Bytsyury 17 February. In the working group included representatives of NGOs, experts and specialists in various fields. During the meeting, the meeting reviewed all proposals and make comments. As the Deputy FirstCatch Regional State Administration Leonid Bytsyura later draft program will be published on the official website of RSA, comments and suggestions to him will be able to make the inhabitants of the region. This draft will be submitted for consideration of the Ternopil Regional Council. This was reported in Ternopil oblderzhadministwrongSource: