In Vinnytsia 107 people prosecuted for violation of transport of dangerous goods (+ photos)

During preventive testing, tested 980 units of vehicles that carried out the transportation of dangerous goods, found 33 cases of incorrect labeling of vehicles, 43 cases of improper registration tovarotransportual note 12 facts transportation outsiders, 9 violations of the Rules of transportation of dangerous goods packaging with no zatulenymy (not removed) information tables 6 violations of the Rules of untreated container transportation from the dangerous goods without appropriate marking and labeling. The most common violation Ave.avyl transport of dangerous goods is improper execution of consignment notes to incorrect labeling of goods and vehicles. Administrative charges were brought against 106 drivers and 1 officer. Heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations sent 278 information to follow traffic rules reluck of dangerous goods by road. One of the main reasons is a violation of the Rules DPNV improper performance of its required ’ bonds Sub ’ yektamy transport of dangerous goods, primarily shippers. This was reported in the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vinnitsa region
