Residents Uzhhorodschyny surrendered to police two weapons

Remember that 1 to April 30, held monthly voluntary surrender of weapons and ammunition. In order to counter the illicit proliferation of weapons, ammunition and explosives in the region continues monthly voluntary surrender of weapons. A person who voluntarily surrendered unregistered weapons fromvilnyayetsya of criminal responsibility and it is able to legally register themselves or their relatives. Thus, two residents Uzhhorodschyny already made use of this opportunity and passed the two guards hladkotsivkovi gun. Guide Uzhgorod police station refers to the residents asking to take arms. After holdingher home illegally, you endanger not only themselves but also their family members. If you have any questions relating to weapons of contact personnel licensing system Uzhgorod District Police at Uzhgorod district, s.Onokivtsi Street. main, 55, or tel. (03132) -63-86-81. Information Uzhgorod District Police
