Lutsk action started "Movement for Health"
On the initiative of the World Health Organization April 7 each year is World Health Day. City center physical health "Sport for All" Every year events dedicated to the promotion "Movement for Health." April 2 competition "Funny little Cossacks" that a jointo with a comprehensive educational institution 17, launched a series of sporting events for the residents of our city. The aim of the competition was to promote healthy lifestyles to attract students to physical training and sports, bad habits prevention among children and youth. The event was attended by 70 participants from seven clubs placeresidence of the population. The program of events was five relays skill, speed development of motor coordination, attention, "Floorball", "tunnel", "Rescue", "Through the hoop," "snipers". Young athletes discovered diligence when performing tasks and desire to win. To the gym as many students came to support their friends.As a result, interesting and intense struggle the first place, following five relay team won the club "Arrow" (Head - Galina Tymoshchuk specialist). The second was the young sportsmen club "Olympia" (Director - Specialist Nina Lysenko), and others - students club "Luchesk" - Students School 17 (Director - Specialist Natalia Zin). All participantscompetitions were awarded with gifts and prize-winners - diplomas city center physical health "Sport for All". Sport spirit and the joy of victory, smiles on the faces of children and their laughter, which might be the best reward for children and organizers. City center physical health "Sport for All" (720 335) PRo is reported in Lutsk City CouncilSource: