Volynyanyna convicted of theft and damage to two vehicles

employee Lutsk Motor Show will be behind bars for three years if commit a new crime. In addition, the attacker will pay the company 313 000 USD. Taking advantage of office, illegally took volynyanyn " Honda Civic & quot ;, owned enterprise. HoweverHe drove away not because got in an accident. Then the moon was not fired, and ordered out funds for the repair of the damaged car. But in few months attacker stepped on the same rake moon again became responsible for the accident. This time the employee was drunk driving " Honda CR-V & quot ;. For the second time this act spivrobitny-term management of the enterprise is not forgiven, so a statement addressed to the police. During the preliminary investigation, to verify on driving, young man gave police a fake power of attorney for his receipt, management and use. But police found that the document - a fake. Having reviewed mamaterials of the criminal proceedings under Part. 3. 289 (unlawful appropriation of a vehicle) and ch. 4. 358 (Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, stamps, seals) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Lutsk City Court appointed volynyanynu punishment - imprisonment for fiveb years without confiscation of property of the probation period of three years. In addition, the youngster obliged to pay the company 313 000 hryvnia property damage. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/