Oleg Derzhanivskyy: "The level of preparedness of forest plants Zhytomyr order of magnitude higher than in some other areas"

As preparation and forestry enterprises torfopererobnyh to work during the 2015 fire today imbued foresters, rescue workers and management area. At a meeting of the regional commission local authority NA hmined Commission identified the priorities for the normal functioning of enterprises in the fire period. Acting Duty ’ yazky Head of the Regional Committee, Deputy Head of Zhytomyr DSNS Oleg Derzhanivskyy expressed his admiration for the preparation of forest users. He personally vyyizdyv to check with regional forestDancing and assured that forest users in full combat readiness. The Chairman recalled that Zhytomyr region ranks first in Ukraine on the territory covered by forests. More than a third of the region (about 1 million. Ha) is covered with forests. The most dangerous of fire on forests of the northern districts that are contaminatedradionuclides and bordering the peat bogs, whose area is 61 thousand. hectares. In 2014 there were 17 field ecosystems forest fires (fire covered 2.93 hectares), 45 peat ’ wooden (55 hectares) and 322 dry grass fire (619 hectares). These fires quickly eliminated by the fire of forestry enterprises and divisions of the OfficeDSNS Ukraine in Zhytomyr region. &Laquo; completion level forest fire stations Zhytomyr head higher than in some other areas. I declare it quite deliberately. Personally, visiting for two areas had the opportunity to inspect equipment, state of technology … I was pleased. Of course, there are some nuances, but they are not essential & raquo ;, – said Oleg Derzhanivskyy. In works on Forestry and Hunting 75 observation towers. &Laquo; Of these, 42 are equipped with webcams that are online with ’ united with the operator directly in forestry, – the head of the Regional Forestry and Hunting Andrew Kurinskyy area. - Moreover, we attractOr Internet company that uses satellite communications to this information at least reduced in forestry. In the future we want in ’ unite overall this picture to the next operational management & raquo ;. In late April at the GP « Olevsk LH » Zhytomyr Regional Forestry and Hunting hospodarstSociety planned a joint fire and tactical training of extinguishing forest (turf ’ of wooden) fire and the emergency caused by forest fires. Of particular relevance and severity of fire safety in forests takes in during the spring field work, uncontrolled vypalyuvanof dry grass and massive outdoor recreation. So rescue workers and forest before holidays appeal to residents and visitors Zhytomyr asking follow fire safety rules in this dangerous period! In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/