In the Rivne region rescuers spent working documents for rapid response largest temple area

April 2, before the great Christian holiday of Easter Resurrection of Christ, the workers of the 14th state of the Fire and Rescue Directorate DSNS spent working documents for rapid response facilities Nativityand the Blessed Virgin that in. Dubrovytsia. This about ’ object was not chosen by chance, because it is the largest church buildings in the area. Also, this temple is the city ’ yatkoyu architecture, built back in 1860. Therefore, an important task is to keep all this gem Polesie fires. During testing the special attention of rescuers Comeilyalas available at about ’ site of the primary means of fire (fire extinguishers), serviceability automatic fire alarm and power, maintenance of escape routes. The staff checked the availability DSNS instructions on fire safety, timeliness briefing with the staff. With the rector of the church was the father of Danielmanuf talk about the basic requirements of fire safety, particularly when using an open fire (candles). Rector of understanding reacted to this work and thanked rescuers for their care, because only by working together may precede trouble and keep house for future generations. DPRCH-14 m. Dubrovytsya
