As a result of the conflict volynyanyn beat former mother-

for an offense abuser threatens two years of restriction of freedom. By the next part of Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn Oblast asked a local resident. The woman said her former son-beat. The conflict between relatives there in the doorway of a multistory building. 29-pichnyy offender on the basis of personal hostile relations hit the victim in the face with his fist. As a result, the woman fell. But then the attacker did not stop, so hit her leg. According to this fact the investigating department Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region opened criminal proceedings for an offense, peredbachenoho ch. 2, Art. 125 (Intended minor bodily harm) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now the man faces up to two years of restriction of freedom. Alina Matusevych, Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
