In Chernivtsi region rescuers trained safety regulations kindergarten pupils Office Workers

DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region implement various preventive measures during which actively Rose ’ yasnyuvalna work with children of different ages. For example, on April 2 rescuers had information-devel ’ yasnyuvalnyy event for pupils to kindergarten number 9, which is located in Chernivtsi on Independence Avenue. At the event, held in the form of games, kids reminded staff management on safety rules and that they should always be followed. However, management employees for better absorption ofaterialu showing kids educational cartoons. Also with the kid quiz was held, during which rescue kids asking questions that were interesting and informative enough to answer such a young age. Management Experts say that such work should be carried out with children is childhood, because thus the child will develop povaha to safety rules and follow their habit. &Laquo; In addition to this meeting for children are informative, they received a lot of positive emotions. Frank kids laughter was the best proof that the event was a success » &Ndash; Head said Mary DNZ number 9 Tudan. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
