In the Zhytomyr region in Korostensky district police arrested the robber

Rest on the river ended for robbing a local resident. Law enforcement officials determined the man who took the victim of his way. Evening, April 1 to Korostensky Gorotdel police turned 47-year-old resident of the district center with a notice Mayhemtested. According to him, while he was resting on the river bank, an unidentified man opened stole his mobile phone and purse. The amount of loss is 800 USD The victim managed to remember some signs attacker, so police launched its investigation. The police found that the robbery involved 46-year-oldDistrict who confessed to the crime. Investigation Department opened criminal proceedings under Part. 2, Art. 186 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The suspect threatened punishment of imprisonment for a term of 4 to 6 years. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine in Zhytomyr region
