Privat expanded the possibilities of acquiring network cards NSMEP
ATMs and POS-terminals trade Privat now accept to pay not only the international payment systems MasterCard, Visa and UPay, but the national system of electronic payment (NSMEP). As the press service of Privatbank, empower network aboutservicing payment cards allow access to advanced services most residents of Ukraine. "The strategic goal of the Privat to really modern banking services were available to most Ukrainian - said First Deputy Chairman Oleg Privat Gorokhovsky. - Today, Ukraine is a multiplayer HCMEP, and they can now also enjoy modern technology Privat ". According Privat, NSMEP cardholders, which are usually employees of government agencies and companies will be able to withdraw cash and pay for services in more than 8500 ATMs Privat. Pay cards NSMEP you can purchase in anyin of 120 000 POS-terminals Privat in retail outlets and service enterprises. NSMEP - a domestic bank payment system bahatoemitentna mass payments in which payments for goods and services, cash withdrawal and other transactions made using special means of payment for the technology developed by the NationalBank of Ukraine. NSMEP cards not accepted abroad. Privat - the largest Ukrainian bank. Today the bank serves more than 18 million users of payment cards, bank network operates 8500 ATMs and 12,390 self-service terminals and more than 120 thousand POS-terminals.Source: