In the Lviv region in Chervonograde scammer asked fellow cell phone to call, but it never turned
On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. By Chervonograd city police department, March 19, asked 36-year-old local resident. The man said that his optiayomyy asked his mobile phone to call, but it never returned. Workers Sector CID Chervonograd city police department found that the commission of a criminal offense involved a 35-year-old local resident. Mobile Phone attacker passed in pawn. On this fact openly criminal Laneadzhennya the grounds of Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Art.190 (fraud). Sanction article punishable by a fine of free minimum incomes, or community service for up to two years, or imprisonment for up to three years. Pre-trial investigation continues. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region by materialOksana we Kozachok, Assistant Chief Chervonograd MBSource: