"Ukrainian book - Donbass!"

On the initiative of the Ternopil Regional Council Vasyl Homintsya 1 to April 30 in the last campaign "Ukrainian book - Donbass!" From the collection of Ukrainian books for children and young people of Eastern Ukraine. Outstanding Regional Council chairman Basil Homintsya particular states: "Dear publishers, bookstores directors, caringTernopil inhabitants! Ukrainian Donbass need books! In the East lacks accessible, accurate information about our history and about the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian literature in general. This is confirmed by Ukrainian defenders who are now in the Donbas and often communicate with students and young people - the need for Ukrainianthe book there are extremely high. There is a demand. Pro-Russian propaganda machine is doing everything to the younger generation of Donbass lost their national identity. This can resist Ukrainian book! I appeal to you and to every ternopolyanyna request and appeal - the whole community to gather and pass to the east of the book in Ukrainian -stories, essays about legendary heroes liberation struggle, historical, artistic, educational and scientific literature, the study of our traditions and customs and so on. We must help our young residents of Donbass feel an integral part of a large, proud, highly intellectual and spiritual nation. This book can do. It only educatedBrought up in the spirit of national virtues generation will provide our country tomorrow, heredity cultural transmission humanist values ??from generation to generation. The collected books will be given in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions of Donetsk and Lugansk region, will join local holdings. Sincerely Head of TernopilRegional Council Vasyl Hominets " Coordinate the collection of books for residents of Ukrainian Donbass Ternopil Regional Universal Scientific Library. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/