Traffic police found a car that was illegally on the territory of Ukraine

workers of the State detained car brand VOLKSWAGEN GOLF, which is located on the territory of Ukraine in violation of customs regulations. March 30 about 16 hours in the supervision of road safety in Berezne inspectors VDAI service Bereznovsky raion stopped the car VOLKSWAGEN GOLF. Driving cars was 25-year-old local resident Vasily. At the request of the police employee to produce documents for driving the driver could not, because of their absence. While talking with helmsman vehicle inspectors suspected that he was with obvious signs of alcoholOn intoxication. Guards Road suspicion confirmed device "Drager", which showed 1.66 ppm. In addition, when checking the vehicle by the State police databases and found that the vehicle stays in Ukraine with customs offenses, as was imported into the territory of Ukraine outside the customs control. In unshakableIca traffic police made three administrative protocols st.130 CAO (driving while intoxicated), 126 CAO (driving without documents) and for Part 6 st.121 CAO (no license plates belonging to the transport product). Car delivered Bereznovsky police station. On this fact carried outCheck. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs UGAI Ukraine Rivne region
