In the Rivne region qualifying certification as a small holiday beauty
as a model for qualification of hair stylist Svetlana Zhurzhi invited her husband and eldest daughter are very supportive of new classes and desire to learn. At home in creative mother who, incidentally, has two degrees, two smaller children. Svetlana Svyatoslavivna admitted that she wants to start a business in the beauty industry, moreover, that in her village hairdresser there. And some of his colleagues in the group would like to invite to co .. woman confident in their abilities, satisfied with the knowledge and service employment grateful for the help. Working in tandem with the time will soon Ludmila Krychylska with his sister who is studying in RTSPTO PES group makeup artists. For sisters who became the model for the exam, Lyudmila has created a new modern hairstyle. His skills and creativity hair stylist turned qualification certification, which recently took place in Rivne center of vocational education state employment, with a kindvyato beauty. Graduates visibly worried, talking about their creations, but master of industrial training support Anna Zotik gave them confidence. It should be noted that the Qualification Commission, in addition to the Deputy Director of the NHS RTSPTO training and production of Ruslana Bodrenko, were former graduates of the institution, and now pozashtattion hairdressing teacher Anna Yatsenya and the employer's representative Vladimir Andriyuk. So now they carefully evaluated the work of their "newly" colleagues. A watch was worth. Sophisticated elegant hairstyles based on braids, interesting ways of coloring and haircuts, creating a holistic manner shown listener aimed at training RivnensSomebody city, city district Dubno, Goshchansky, Zdolbunovska Mlyniv, Rivne, Sarny Rokytnivskyi and district centers. Successfully studied in this group of unemployed and Brody Shepetivka and Starokonstantinov. Mykytiuk Olga, Irina Tkachenko and Angela Miller responded very positively about the training and the accommodationtion, enthusiastically thank Anna Zotik master. Commission struck the youth vanguard image created to show Angela Tkachenko. She thought not only hair, makeup, face painting art, but also unusual clothing or jewelery or winter fairy queen, or ugly witch. Ruslan Bodrenko handed listener Government-issued certificate,asked his impressions of manufacturing practices and employment prospects. The majority of graduates already know their place of work, several other Rivne employers invited for an interview. Ruslan V. wished all eventually become leaders by hairdressers or beauty salons. If you want to get hair stylist professionand contact of the Center for Vocational Education State Employment Service (Rivne, vul.Pyrohova, 8, tel.68-37-95) or nearest employment center. More information about the institution - Online This was reported in Rivne city employment centerSource: