Lviv police detained

bike thief In case of theft opened criminal proceedings under Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In Frankivsk police station, March 30, turned 41-year-old resident of the city. A man reported that his bike was stolen "Snoubayk", which he left at the entrance of his house. Total Zabditheir loss is 800 USD. Law enforcement officials determined that the theft involved 25-year-old local resident idle. "At night, patrolling streets, workers patrulnoz squads of met a cyclist who saw the police began to flee. After his arrest, it was found that the bike, which heled, was abducted in 41 years L?vivate "- said the head Frankivsk police department Police Lt. Roman Hrankivskyy. In fact openly criminal proceedings under Part 1 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article punishable by a fine of fifty to one hundred tax-free minimum incomes, or dromadskymy labor for a term of eighty to two hundred forty hours, or correctional labor for up to two years, or imprisonment for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to three years. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region
